Thursday, May 02, 2019

So softball was rocking right along.  A couple of games a week.  Sophie was the dug out mom.  She rocked that job, by the way.  Molly was figuring this catcher thing out.  
She had even made a couple of home runs.

And then she broke her arm!! 

One evening I went next door to talk to the neighbor.  Molly came too and was visiting with her friend, who happened to be riding her bicycle.  Molly went to get her bicycle too.  (The one that she bought with her own money that she was super proud of, remember?)
Well, she asked her Dad if she could ride her bike.  He told her no because it was dark outside.  So she went out the front door and around to the garage and snuck her bike out of the garage.  She rode it next door where they started riding circles in the cul-de-sac.
A few minutes later, Maddie came running up saying that Molly had a wreck on her bike.  I go get her and push the bike home.  She had a little road rash but she could move her arm and there was no swelling anywhere.
When she got inside she finds out that her dad is super mad.  Not bad because she wrecked, but mad because she got her bike out after he told her not to.  We tried to check her out and she said that she was fine and wasn't even crying at this point.  We cleaned up the road rash and eventually went to bed.
The next morning, she could not raise her arm up.  There was still no swelling and it didn't hurt to touch it.  She could move it around.  She just couldn't raise it.  We thought it was just sore or she had jammed her shoulder a little.
The next day, she still couldn't raise it up.  We decided we had better go get it checked out.  I was worried that she had torn her rotator cuff or pulled a tendon. 
After a trip to the ortho clinic, we found out she had a crack in her arm close to her arm pit area.  
The doctor was amazed that she was not complaining of pain.  
He put her in a sling because of where the break was and monitored it for 6 weeks.
One thing is for sure, she is tough little cookie!!!

Even though it didn't have anything to do with softball, she still had to miss the rest of the season.  She became Sophie's helper and the bat girl.  

Lesson learned???
She is the only one of the girls that has broken any bones.  
I think Clumsy should have been her middle name.

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